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Analogues of the Knuth and Forgotten equivalences on permutations: have they been studied?

Consider a totally ordered alphabet $A$ of $n$ letters. Let $W$ be the set of all words over $A$ which have no two letters equal. Then, for example, we can define the Knuth equivalence on $W$ as the ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
8 votes
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Minimum number of permutations of $\{1,\ldots, n\}$ that together contain every $k$-subpermutation

Define a $k$-permutation of $\{1,\ldots, n\}$ to be a word $\tau_1 \ldots \tau_k$ such that $\{\tau_1,\ldots,\tau_k\}$ is a $k$-subset of $\{1,\ldots, n\}$. Thus an $n$-permutation of $\{1,\ldots, n\}$...
Mark Wildon's user avatar
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Words that give rise to an enumeration of elements of the symmetric group

Let $\mathbb{S}_m$ be the symmetric group on $m$ letters. Let $n=m-1$. Let $\mathbf{w}=a_1\cdots a_r$ be a word on the alphabet $\{1,\ldots,n\}$. We say that $\mathbf{w}$ gives rise to an enumeration ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
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Sum of unit vectors always has a binary span after constrained permutations

Conjecture: Let $e_1 = (1,0,\ldots,0), \ldots , e_{m_1+m_2} = (0,\ldots,0,1)$ be the unit vectors of the standard basis $E$ of $\mathbb{R}^{m_1+m_2}$. An enumeration $ E \cup -E = \{f_1, \ldots, ...
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