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67 votes
5 answers

Decidability of chess on an infinite board

The recent question Do there exist chess positions that require exponentially many moves to reach? of Tim Chow reminds me of a problem I have been interested in. Is chess with finitely many men on an ...
Richard Stanley's user avatar
128 votes
13 answers

Checkmate in $\omega$ moves?

Is there a chess position with a finite number of pieces on the infinite chess board $\mathbb{Z}^2$ such that White to move has a forced win, but Black can stave off mate for at least $n$ moves for ...
Johan Wästlund's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

The Chocolatier's game: can the Glutton win with a restricted form of strategy?

I have a question about the Chocolatier's game, which I had introduced in my recent answer to a question of Richard Stanley. To recap the game quickly, the Chocolatier offers up at each stage a finite ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

What is the complexity of the winning condition in infinite Hex? In particular, is infinite Hex a Borel game?

Consider the game of infinite Hex, where two players Red and Blue alternately place their stones on the infinite hex grid, each aiming to create a winning configuration. Red wins after infinite play, ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
41 votes
3 answers

A game on integers

$A$ and $B$ take turns to pick integers: $A$ picks one integer and then $B$ picks $k > 1$ integers ($k$ being fixed). A player cannot pick a number that his opponent has picked. If $A$ has $5$ ...
Haoran Chen's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

The arithmetic progression game and its variations: can you find optimal play?

Consider the arithmetic progression game, a two-player game of perfect information, in which the players take turns playing natural numbers, or finite sets of natural numbers, all distinct, and the ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

The Sudoku game: Solver-Spoiler variation

Consider the Sudoku Solver-Spoiler game, a natural variation of the Sudoku game recently appearing in the question Who wins two-player Sudoku? posted by user PyRulez. In that game, the players attempt ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to describe the common boundaries between regions in a infinite Sudoku?

This relates to the answer to a question "Who wins two player sudoku?" and this awesome blog. A Sudoku can be $N \times N$ where $\sqrt{N}$ is a natural number because $N \times N / \sqrt{N} \times \...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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