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15 votes
3 answers

Why does the bitxor function appear in Nim?

I am conducting research in Combinatorial Game Theory (CGT). Although I have done a considerable amount of reading, I do not completely understand why the bit-xor function also known as the nim-sum ...
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Ordered Nim game

Consider the following variant of Nim: There are two players and $n$ piles of stones, with sizes $a_1,\dots,a_n$, such that $a_i\leq a_j$ for any $i<j$. A move consists of removing a positive ...
Alex Row's user avatar
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Nimbers and Surreal Numbers [closed]

I have been researching Combinatorial Game Theory. One common theme is the assignment of values to games in order to classify the game as a win for a specific player. One such way is class of surreal ...
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Generalization of Sprague-Grundy Theorem

In my research on Combinatorial Game Theory, I used a certain theorem that is essentially a generalization of the Sprague-Grundy theorem. Because the result hinges too much on the work of others to be ...
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