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74 votes
10 answers

Intuition for Group Cohomology

I'm beginning to learn cohomology for cyclic groups in preparation for use in the proofs of global class field theory (using ideal-theoretic arguments). I've seen the proof of the long exact sequence ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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37 votes
5 answers

Tips on cohomology for number theory

I am curious about what is a good approach to the machinery of cohomology, especially in number-theoretic settings, but also in algebraic-geometric settings. Do people just remember all the rules and ...
8 votes
2 answers

How does Tate cohomology fit into a derived categories framework?

I've read through one class field theory text after another, but there's something very non-intuitive for me about cohomology that makes it hard for me to understand why Tate cohomology was invented. ...
Tavish Jordan's user avatar