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Class function counting solutions of equation in finite group: when is it a virtual character?

Let $w=w(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ be a word in a free group of rank $n$. Let $G$ be a finite group. Then we may define a class function $f=f_w$ of $G$ by $$ f_w(g) = |\{ (x_1,\dots, x_n)\in G^n\mid w(x_1,\dots,...
Frieder Ladisch's user avatar
37 votes
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Is this generalized character always a character?

Let $G$ be a finite group, and $p$ be a prime. Then there is a generalized character $\Psi$ of $G$ which takes value $0$ on all elements of order divisible by $p$, and has $\Psi(y)$ equal to the ...
Geoff Robinson's user avatar
21 votes
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Is there a "direct" proof of the Galois symmetry on centre of group algebra?

Let $G$ be a finite group, and $n$ an integer coprime to $|G|$. Then we have the following map, which is clearly not a morphism of groups in general: $$g\mapsto g^n.$$ This induces a linear ...
Chris H's user avatar
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Groups having exactly two non real-valued irreducible characters

This is an enlarged version of my question on MSE. It was suggested I ask here instead. Suppose the finite group $G$ has exactly two conjugacy classes that are not self-inverse (a conjugacy class is ...
Tom WIlde's user avatar
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7 votes
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When is $\operatorname{Out}(G)$ isomorphic to the symmetries of the character table of $G$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Out{Out}\DeclareMathOperator\CTS{CTS}$The outer automorphism group $\Out(G)$ of a finite group $G$ act on the character table by permuting columns (conjugacy classes) and rows (...
Davi Costa's user avatar
6 votes
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(CFSG-free) Finite simple groups whose character degrees square divide its order

Let $G$ be a finite group. It is well-known that for all irreducible complex character $\chi$ then $\deg(\chi)$ divides $\lvert G\rvert$. Motivated by some problems with modular tensor categories, we ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
5 votes
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Adjoint identity on finite nilpotent groups

Let $G$ be a finite nilpotent group. Consider the following (adjoint) identity from [BuPa, Theorem 9.6]: $$\left(\prod_{\chi \in \mathrm{Irr}(G)} \frac{\chi}{\chi(1)} \right)^2 =\frac{|Z(G)|}{|G|}\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
4 votes
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Orbits of group representation over $\mathbb{F}_2$

Recently I have been considering a problem that has had me venture into some mathematical territory that is new to me, specifically group representations, words, and character theory. I would ...
healynr's user avatar
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Characters, centralizers and cosets

I am trying to understand/count the number of solutions of a number of equations in finite groups and came across the following class function: $$ \theta_\chi(x) = \sum_{y\in G} |C_G(xy)y \cap C_G(x)| ...
Enrique Torres's user avatar
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Interplay between two definitions of the transfer homomorphism.

The transfer homomorphism can be defined in a couple of ways. For the purposes of this question, assume that all groups are finite. Defintion 1. Let $1\leqslant K'\leqslant L \leqslant K\leqslant G$ ...
Alexander Gruber's user avatar
3 votes
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Terminology for the "natural probability measure" on the set of irreducible characters of a finite group

To be specific: if $G$ is a finite group and $\operatorname{Irr}(G)$ the set of its irreducible characters (over the complex field) then we know that $$ 1 = \sum_{\phi \in {\rm Irr}(G)} \frac{(d_\phi)^...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Character table of the symmetric group $S_n$ according to James

In James, "The representation theory of the symmetric groups" an algorithm is described to produce the character table of a symmetric group. The proof involves the equation (pp. 22,23) $$\...
Stefan Witzel's user avatar
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Characters of alternating groups

I am studying certain properties of characters of alternating groups and I have found precisely three characters not satisfying it up to $A_{15}$. These are: A character of dimension $3.696$ of $A_{...
dm82424's user avatar
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The tallest possible lattice?

Let O be a complete discrete valuation ring and G a finite group. Recall that a finitely generated O-free OG-module $M$ such that the traces of the invertible endomorphisms of $M$ generate a strictly ...
user26223's user avatar
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Character extension about $Q_8$

Recently, I am studying the book Navarro - Character Theory and the McKay Conjecture. I am trying to solve the following exercise: (Exercise 5.9) Let $G$ be a finite group and $N\unlhd G$, suppose ...
Shi Chen's user avatar
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Character degrees of a finite group?

Let $G$ be a finite group, $R(G)$ be the solvable radical of $G$, and $G/R(G)$ be an almost simple group with socle $S\cong PSL_2(3^p)$, where $p$ is an odd prime. Also let $[G/R(G):S]=p$ and $\theta$ ...
asad's user avatar
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