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2 answers

Concrete example of BV function $u:\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ with singular derivative

What are examples of two BV functions $u:\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ with singular derivative? More precisely, I'd like to see an example (and a plot using Mathematica or Matlab) of a function $$...
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54 votes
13 answers

Good differential equations text for undergraduates who want to become pure mathematicians

Alright, so I have been taking a while to soak in as much advanced mathematics as an undergraduate as possible, taking courses in algebra, topology, complex analysis (a less rigorous undergraduate ...
26 votes
9 answers

Graduate ODE textbook

Suppose that a hypothetical math grad student was pretty comfortable with first-year real variables and algebra, and had even studied some other things (algebraic geometry, Riemannian geometry, ...