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Bound for the product of Sobolev functions in $W^{s,1}$

I would like to bound the product of two functions $f$, $g$ in the space $W^{s,1}$. $$ \lVert fg\rVert_{W^{s,1}}\leq c\lVert f \rVert \lVert g \rVert. $$ It seems reasonable to want to use Hölder's ...
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Does there exists $f\in A_{\mathbb R}(\mathbb T)$ with $||f||=r$ such that $||e^{if}||=e^{r}$?

Let $\mathbb Z$, the set of integers, be a group with respect to addition and its dual group is the $\mathbb T = \{z\in \mathbb C : |z|=1\}$ , one dimensional torus. Put, $\ell^{1}(\mathbb Z)= \{g:\...
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