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What is the supremum of 1-dim Hausdorff measure of the nodal set of Neumann eigenfunction $u$ for planar convex domain

All descriptions of this question are limited to 2-dimension for simplicity. Recently, I read some papers on the nodal set of Laplacian eigenfunctions. Denote $\Sigma=\{u(x)=0\}$ be the nodal set of a ...
Kimura Leo's user avatar
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Algorithm for finding eigenfunctions

I have an $ L^2(\mathbb{R}) $ operator that looks like $$ \Omega = \int \partial\phi(a, b)\ \ |b, a\rangle \langle b, a |, $$ where $ \langle x | a, b \rangle = f_a(x - b) e^{x^2/2} $ and $ f_a \in L^...
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