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Understand the $p$-adic local Langlands correspondence with examples

Let $\rho:G_{\mathbb{Q}}\rightarrow \mathbf{Gl}_{n}(\mathbb{Q}_{p})$. I would like to understand in depth why the local Langlands correspondence for $\rho_{|\mathbb{Q}_{p}}$ must consider $p$-adic ...
Marsault Chabat's user avatar
12 votes
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Eigenvarieties and functoriality

In Langlands' review of Hida's book "$p$-adic automorphic forms on Shimura varieties", he discusses a nexus of 4 areas of modern number theory: automorphic representations, motives, spaces ...
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Modularity of higher genus curves

The modularity conjecture for elliptic curves over number fields is well known, and indeed, is a theorem for all elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$, and at least potentially, over any CM field. What ...
Nimas's user avatar
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Central character of automorphic representations of $Sp_{2n}$

Let $F$ be a CM field. Given a regular algebraic self-dual cuspidal automorphic representation $\Pi$ of $GL_n(\mathbb A_F)$ and a prime $l$, there is a continuous Galois representation $r_{\Pi}: \...
Shawn's user avatar
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Irrelevant parabolics and inner forms of GSp(4)

In Ralf Schmidt's appendix to "Jacquet-Langlands-Shimizu correspondence for theta lifts to $\mathrm{GSp}(2)$ and its inner forms" by Narita and Okazaki , he computes the representations of $\mathrm{...
Watson Ladd's user avatar
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18 votes
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To what extent are modular parametrizations expected to generalize?

By the Modularity Theorem (a.k.a. the Shimura--Taniyama--Weil Conjecture), if $E$ is an elliptic curve over $\textbf{Q}$ with conductor $N$, then there exists a “modular parametrization” $\psi: X_0(N) ...
Miles Lake's user avatar
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The infinity-type of automorphic representations in the Langlands correspondence

Let $K$ be a number field, $\rho\colon \mathrm{Gal}_K\to \mathrm{GL}_n(\overline{\mathbf{Q}_p})$ a geometric (i.e.: unramified a.e., de Rham above $p$) irreducible Galois representation. One piece of ...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
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Local Langlands conjecture for GL(2)

Let $F_v$ be a local field. Let $\sigma_v$ be a two-dimensional representation of $Gal(\overline{F}_v:F_v) \rtimes W_{F_v}$. Now, there exists an infinite-dimensional representation $\pi_v$ of $GL_2(...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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3 votes
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The operator \boxtimes and \boxplus in automorphic representations

Given two automorphic representations $\pi_1, \pi_2$ of $GL_2(\mathbb A_Q)$ and $GL_3(\mathbb A_Q)$ respectively. Let $\pi_i =\otimes_v \pi_{i, v}$. Now, for each $v$, let $\pi_{1, v}\boxtimes \pi_{...
boxtimes's user avatar
13 votes
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Why doesn't functoriality immediately imply the modularity theorem?

Let $E/\mathbb{Q}$ be an elliptic curve. By the modularity theorem, the prime indexed coefficients of its $L$-function agree with those of a weight $2$ cusp eigenform $f$ with integer coefficients. ...
Jonah Sinick's user avatar
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86 votes
8 answers

What are the local Langlands conjectures nowadays, for connected reductive groups over a $p$-adic field?

Let me stress that I am only interested in $p$-adic fields in this question, for reasons that will become clear later. Let me also stress that in some sense I am basically assuming that the reader ...
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar