In Langlands' review of Hida's book "$p$-adic automorphic forms on Shimura varieties", he discusses a nexus of 4 areas of modern number theory: automorphic representations, motives, spaces of $p$-adic Galois representations, and a fourth less well-defined area which he describes in some cases as spaces of representations of $p$-adic Hecke rings. These two final objects should correspond to each other in some exact way through the $p$-adic Langlands conjectures 'in families'.
My understanding is that the fourth area is now underway via the theory of eigenvarieties.
- Is it indeed the case that eigenvarieties (are conjectured to) play this role in the Langlands set-up?
Langlands states many conjectural relationships between this fourth area and the other 3, and I would like to find out to what extent these relationships have been satisfied by the theory of eigenvarieties. The first two questions concern the relationship between automorphic representations and eigenvarieties, and the third concerns that between $p$-adic Galois representations and eigenvarieties.
- Are there known examples/a general theory for functoriality of eigenvarieties not simply arising from known cases of functoriality for automorphic representations, and would functoriality at the level of eigenvarieties get us any closer to the global conjectures?
- An automorphic representation $\pi$ on an adelic group $G(\mathbb{A}_F)$ has attached to it a pair $(\{A(\pi_{\mathfrak{p}})\}, {}^{\lambda}H_{\pi})$, consisting of the set of Frobenius-Hecke conjugacy classes $\{A(\pi_{\mathfrak{p}})\}$ contained in some subgroup $^{\lambda}H_{\pi}\subset {}^L G$ of the L-group, which is a reductive algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$. This pair should be equal to the Frobenius-Hecke conjugacy classes of the corresponding motive, $M$, along with the reductive algebraic group $ ^{\mu}H_M$, attached by the Tannakian theory. In the world of Galois $p$-adic representations we get Frobenius conjugacy classes in $p$-adic groups. For the points on the eigenvariety over a prime $\mathfrak{q}$, do we attach conjugacy classes in some reductive algebraic group over $F_{\mathfrak{q}}$, in comparison with those attached to the corresponding $\mathfrak{q}$-adic Galois representation? If this is the case, are we conjecturing some rationality results on $ ^{\lambda} H_{\pi}$, or just on the classes $\{A(\pi_{\mathfrak{p}})\}$, so that they can be considered in the $p$-adic world? I suppose this is a generalisation on the results of Shimura on the finite dimension of the Hecke field...
- Where do we stand on the relation between eigenvarieties and deformation spaces for $p$-adic Galois representations? I suppose these are in the area of the $ \mathcal{R}=\mathbb{T}$ theorems. Now that we have constructed some (all?) eigenvarieties, do we know that their dimensions of these varieties match with the Galois side? Can we construct the $p$-adic Langlands correspondence in families even for $GL_1$?
Apologies for the broad question, I am not very familiar with the area. Thank you in advance!