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Lebesgue measure of the boundary of the positivity set of a function is zero?

Let $w$ be a function $\mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R$ with the following properties: $w$ is globally $\alpha$-Hölder continuous, $\alpha \in (0,1)$; $w$ is biharmonic on $C=\{w>0\}$; $w$ is subharmonic ...
Evelina Shamarova's user avatar
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On the proof of a $W^{2,p}$ estimate - regularity on eliptic PDE

I see this proof on and I couldn't understand what he did. If $||f||_{L^p(B_{4})} = \delta$ is small and the measure $|\{ x \in B_1; M(|D^2u|^2)>N_1^...
MathDood's user avatar