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Følner sequences of the integers

Definition: Let $G$ be a group. For $g\in G$ and a subset $F\subseteq G$ fix the notation $gF:=\{gf\mid f\in G\}$. A sequence $(F_{i})_{i\in\mathbb{N}}\subseteq G$ is called a Følner sequence if \...
12 votes
2 answers

Are finitely generated amenable groups positively finitely generated?

Let $G$ be a finitely generated amenable group. Is there a positive integer $n$ such that $n$ random elements of $G$ generate it with positive probability? Being more formal, note that $G^n$ is ...
3 votes
1 answer

Averaging measurable functions over amenable group actions

Let $G$ be an amenable group acting on a space $X$. Amenability means there is a $G$-invariant mean on $L^\infty(G,{\mathbf R})$. Given a bounded function $f\colon X\to {\mathbf R}$ one can use the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Characterizing residually amenable groups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated group. The amenability of $G$ is equivalent to the existence of a certain "weak measure" on $G$. Is there such a characterization for residually amenable groups as well?...
3 votes
1 answer

Fubini's theorem and unique mean value

Following the terminology of Rosenblatt, I will say that a bounded function $f:\mathbb Z\rightarrow\mathbb R$ has a unique mean value if for every pair of finitely additive translation invariant ...