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Modular polynomials for elliptic curves point counting

The Schoof-Elkies-Atkin (SEA) algorithm (for counting points on elliptic curves over a finite field) performs computations over polynomials modulo some modular polynomials. Originally the "classical" ...
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Mestre-type algorithm for higher-genus curves?

Is there an analogous algorithm for genus $g>2$ curves that, given a complete set of invariants, outputs a curve with those invariants? (I'm interested in particular in $g=3$.) Any references ...
user115957's user avatar
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DL-problem on abelian variety

Let $A$ be an abelian variety over $\mathbb{F_q}$ with dimension $n$. Let $q$ be a constant. Is there polynomial algorithm of finding discrete logarithm in $A$? UPD: really I don't undestend: can we ...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar