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Picard group modulo codimension 2

Let $X$ be a normal (possibly singular) projective surface over $\mathbb{C}$. Consider the set $M_X$ of all coherent sheaves $F$ on $X$ such that there exists a finite subset $Y\subset X$ such that $F$...
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Blow-up of the plane at $5$ points

If we Blow-up $\mathbb P^2_{\mathbb C}$ at $5$ points $T=\{p_1,\ldots,p_5\}$ we obtain a Del Pezzo surface $X$ of degree $4$. Now take another set of $5$ points $T'=\{q_1,\ldots,q_5\}$ ($T'\neq T$), ...
user100660's user avatar
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Blow-up of $\mathbb{P}^4$ along a smooth surface

Let $\pi \colon X\to \mathbb{P}^4$ be the blow-up of a smooth surface $S\subset \mathbb{P}^4$. Is there a formula to compute $(K_X)^4$ ? (which should be dependent on invariants of $S$). In dimension ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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Blowing up rational singularities

Let $X$ be a projective surface embedded into $\mathbb{P}^n_{\mathbb{C}}$ having at most rational singularities. Let $\tilde{X} \to X$ be the minimal resolution of $X$. Is it possible to embed $\tilde{...
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