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$\mathbb{F}_q$-rational elements in unipotent classes of a finite group of Lie-type

I've tried posting this question on MSE, but didn't manage to get an answer there, so I'm trying again here. Sorry in advance if this question is trivial or trivially false. I haven't managed to find ...
kneidell's user avatar
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Monoid cohomology of $\mathbb{N}$ for a linear algebraic group

Let $k$ be a finite field and $k_E:=k((X))$ denote the field of Laurent series over $k$. We define a Frobenius endomorphism on $k_E$ via $f(X)\mapsto f(X^p)$. We choose a lift $\varphi:k_E^{sep}\...
Estus's user avatar
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Reference request - obtaining finite simple groups from algebraic groups

I'm looking for references for the following statements, which I believe are true: Let $G$ be a simply connected simple linear algebraic group over a finite field $k$ of cardinality $q\ge 4$. Let $Z\...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Groups implementable by finite field

I'm interested in finding all groups for which the group operation (and inverse map) may be implemented using finite field arithmetic. I've done some searching and have come across "algebraic groups",...
user135066's user avatar