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Tate conjecture for singular varieties in terms of intersection homology

In his book “Mixed motives and algebraic K-theory”, Jannsen generalizes the Tate conjecture to a potentially singular projective variety $X$ over a finitely generated field. The statement is the same ...
Vik78's user avatar
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Hodge theoretic properties of intersection cohomology

Let $X$ be a complex projective irreducible reduced variety. It is well known that the intersection cohomology of $X$ satisfies versions of Poincare duality and hard Lefschetz theorem. Does it admit a ...
asv's user avatar
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What sorts of weights for perverse sheaves were or can be computed?

I am studying certain weights for (triangulated categories of relative) motives. Those are interesting; yet one can hardly say that they are very much explicit or effectively computable. So, I would ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Smooth mixed hodge modules - representations of fundamental group?

I do not know much about mixed Hodge modules. I would like to ask: Let $X$ be a smooth connected algebraic complex variety, with a chosen point. Could one describe smooth mixed Hodge modules on $X$ as ...
Sasha's user avatar
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What exactly does the weight filtration in Hodge theory have to do with the Weil conjectures?

Let $X$ be a variety over $\mathbb{C}$, say separated. According to Deligne's results, there is a "mixed Hodge structure" on the total cohomology $H^\bullet(X(\mathbb{C}), \mathbb{Z})$. One component ...
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