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First Fundamental Theorem for Alternating Group

I know it fails but is there an answer? More precisely, let $V$ be the standard complex $n$-dimensional representation of the alternating group $A_n$, $kV$ the direct sum of its $k$ copies, $S(kV)$ ...
Bugs Bunny's user avatar
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Primary invariants on MAGMA for a graded ring

I have asked this question on mathstacks, but a collegue of mine recommended me to post it here. I am trying to find an optimal system of parameters for a graded ring using Magma. Specifically, I want ...
Rustam T's user avatar
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If $ n \in \mathbb{N} $, then does the Reynolds operator of $ \mathbb{G}_{m}^{n} $ commute with the Frobenius endomorphism?

If $ n \in \mathbb{N} $, then $ \mathbb{G}_{m}^{n} $ is linearly reductive. Let $ \beta: \mathbb{G}_{m}^{n} \to \operatorname{GL}(\mathbf{V}) $ where $ \mathbf{V} $ is a vector space over an ...
Schemer1's user avatar
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The transcendence degree of the algebras of invariants

Let $V_n,V_m$ be the vector $\mathbb{C}$-spaces of the binary forms of degrees $n,m$ considered as usual $SL_2$-modules. Let $I_{n,m}=\mathbb{C}[V_n \oplus V_m]^{SL_2}$ and $C_{n,m}=\mathbb{C}[...
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