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Bicategories in which the composition functors $\circ_{A, B, C}$ admit right adjoints

In Bénabou's 1967 Introduction to Bicategories, he mentions that, in a forthcoming part II, he would study bicategories $\mathcal K$ in which each composition functor $$\circ_{A, B, C} \colon \mathcal ...
varkor's user avatar
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Reference for the biequivalence between the bicategory of distributors and the bicategory of two-sided discrete fibrations

It is well known that a distributor/profunctor $A \not\rightarrow B$, i.e. a functor $B^{\text{op}} \times A \to \mathrm{Set}$, is equivalent to a two-sided discrete fibration from $A$ to $B$. ...
varkor's user avatar
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Lax morphism classifiers via lax-idempotentification

Let $T$ be a 2-monad on a nice 2-category $\mathcal K$, so that the inclusion $T\text{-}\mathbf{Alg}_s \to T\text{-}\mathbf{Alg}_l$ of the 2-category of (strict) $T$-algebras and strict $T$-algebra ...
varkor's user avatar
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Strict 2-functoriality of lax-slices of 2-categories

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Hom}{Hom}$ I'm currently interested in the homotopy theory of categories "à la Grothendieck", as he developed it in "Pursuing Stacks". I'm trying to try and ...
t_kln's user avatar
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Looking for Lawvere's "Closed categories and biclosed bicategories" lecture notes

The nLab page on closed bicategories reads Closed bicategories were introduced by Lawvere in unpublished lecture notes Closed categories and biclosed bicategories (1971). This work has also been ...
Emily's user avatar
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$\mathbf{E}_n$-algebras in nerves of 2-categories

In Example of Higher Algebra, Lurie explains how there is a bijection between equivalence classes braided monoidal structures on one-category $\mathcal{C}$ and $\mathbf{E}_2$-algebra ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Classifying spaces of crossed modules

Let $\mathcal{G}$ be a strict topological $2$-group, i.e. a strict $2$-category with a single object, a space of invertible $1$-morphisms, a space of invertible $2$-morphisms and continuous structure ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
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Reference request for facts about bi(co)descent objects

I know the following facts are true, but I struggle to find adequate references for them: Let $T$ be a pseudo-monad on a bicategory $\mathcal{C}$, and let $A$, $B$ be pseudo-algebras for $T$. Then, ...
JeCl's user avatar
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Free $2$-category on a $2$-quiver

The construction of the free category on a quiver is standard in category theory. Is there some $2$-dimensional analog of a quiver such that each $2$-quiver freely gives rise to a $2$-category? How ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Morphism of pseudomonads induces pullback functors between pseudoalgebras

If $S$ and $T$ are monads on a category $C$, and $\lambda:S\to T$ is a morphism of monads, it is well-known that there is a functor $\lambda^*:C^T\to C^S$ which assigns to the $T$-algebra $(A,a:TA\to ...
geodude's user avatar
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Diagonal of a diagram of codescent objects

Given the following diagram in a $2$-category, in which squares of the same "type" commute, where each column and each row is a strong codescent diagram (Edit: it should be reflexive as well), is ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Reference for proof that vertical composition of pseudonatural transformations is a pseudonatural transformation

Is there a standard reference for the fact that the vertical composition of two pseudonatural transformations between pseudofunctors between bicategories is a pseudonatural transformation? Recall that ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Reference for "taking adjuncts preserves Kan extensions"

I'm using a result similar to the one below, and I would like to know if there is a reference that I can cite. It's easily proved, by "following your nose". The cell $G\phi.\eta_A$ is often ...
Roald Koudenburg's user avatar
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Weak enrichment and bicategories

I'm trying to find examples where the following perspective on bicategories is developed. We can define a 2-category as being enriched in Cat, where Cat is treated as a monoidal category using the ...
Ben MacAdam's user avatar
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Lax algebras for pseudomonads and monads in Kleisli bicategories for the induced pseudocomonad

In Day–Street's Lax monoids, pseudo-operads, and convolution, they remark without proof: There are general principles involved here. Suppose $(T, m, j)$ is a pseudomonad on any bicategory $\mathcal K$...
varkor's user avatar
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"discrete" objects of a $2$-category

Let $\mathcal{K}$ be a $2$-category. Is there a special name of those objects $B \in \mathcal{K}$ which have the property that the category $\mathrm{Hom}_{\mathcal{K}}(B,C)$ is essentially discrete ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Simplicial matrices and the nerves of weak n-categories II, III, and IV

Duskin introduced his nerve functor (see the nLab or Kerodon) in the paper Duskin, John W. Simplicial matrices and the nerves of weak n-categories I: nerves of bicategories. [Link]. While three ...
Emily's user avatar
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Retracts in the bicategory of spans

I would like to show that the category of sets and spans between them, seen as a $(2,1)$-category, is Cauchy complete, i.e. has splitting of (homotopicaly coherent) idempotent. Ideally I would also ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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13 votes
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On the coherence theorem for bicategories

The coherence theorem for bicategories, as usually stated, reads Any bicategory $B$ is biequivalent to a (strict) 2-category. It is possible to give an explicit construction of the strictification ...
Espen Nielsen's user avatar
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J.W. Gray's monumental work notes on the formal theory of internal (2-)categories

In the book "Topos Theory" of Peter Johnstone (Topos Theory, LMS Monographs no. 10. Academic, 1977) one finds at page 41 in Chapter 2: "For a detailed account of internal categories ...
Buschi Sergio's user avatar
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Has anybody studied strict/pseudo morphisms of monads?

There is a notion of morphism from a monad $T:\mathscr C\to \mathscr C$ to another one $T':\mathscr C'\to \mathscr C'$. It arose here on MO e. g. in "Functors between monads": what are these ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Completion under weighted limits/colimits

Is there any further reference besides "Basic Concepts of Enriched Categories" (Kelly) for completion under T-(weighted) limits/colimits? (in which T is a set of weights) Thank you in advance
Fernando's user avatar
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Bicategorical limits with parameters

(This question was asked in with no answer.) Let $F(-,-)\colon \mathcal{A}\times \mathcal{B}\to \mathcal{C}$ be a ...
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