Let $(G,\mu)$ be a measured groupoid and denote by $\nu,\nu^{-1}$ the measures on all of $G$ induced by $\mu$ and Haar system $\{\lambda^x\}$.
I have a question regarding the dependance of the groupoid von Neumann algebra $\text{vN}_\mu(G)$ on $\mu$.
In the above setting, we can consider the space $L^2(G,\nu^{-1})$ and the left regular representation $\lambda_\mu: C_c(G) \rightarrow B(L^2(G,\nu^{-1})$ given by $\lambda(f)g = f*g$. By completing $C_c(G)$ w.r.t the norm $\|f\|_{r,\mu} := \|\lambda(f)\|$ we obtain a $C^*$-algebra denoted by $C_{r,\mu}^*(G)$ and by taking the double commutant we get the von Neumann algebra $\text{vN}_\mu(G) := C_{r,\mu}^*(G)'' \subseteq B(L^2(G,\nu^{-1}))$.
It can be seen that the $C^*$-algebra $C_{r,\mu}^*(G)$ does only depend on the support of $\mu$ [1, Proposition 3.1.2], however I do not know if the same holds for the von Neumann algebras since the space $B(L^2(G,\nu^{-1}))$ can vary a lot depending on $\mu$.
If $\mu_1, \mu_2 $ are two quasi-invariant measures on $G^0$ with the same support, is it true that $ \text{vN}_{\mu_1}(G) \cong \text{vN}_{\mu_2}(G) $?
Of course, if $\mu_1, \mu_2 $ are equivalent the above is true.
[1] Paterson, Alan L. T., Groupoids, inverse semigroups, and their operator algebras, Progress in Mathematics (Boston, Mass.). 170. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser. xvi, 274 p. (1999). ZBL0913.22001.