In Jack Morava's paper On the complex cobordism ring as a Fock representation, it was remarked right at the beginning that complex cobordism may play a role in the theory of integrable systems. In another talk abstract by K. E. Feldman, it was mentioned that certain divisibility phenomena of Chern numbers are related to integrable systems. However the contents of the talks are nowhere to be found.
These are the only instances of the two topics in the title were mentioned to be related, that I managed to find after a brief search. My questions are: whether work or updates along these directions have been conducted since then. Or are there some general heuristics about how these topics might be related? Thanks.
Morava, Jack, On the complex cobordism ring as a Fock representation, Homotopy theory and related topics, Proc. Int. Conf., Kinosaki/Japan 1988, Lect. Notes Math. 1418, 184-204 (1990). ZBL0698.55003.