As part of my research, I would like to understand the possible pairs of $(v,\sigma)\in \mathbb Z^n\times S_n$ satisfying the following condition: For $1\le i < j \le n$, we have $\sigma(i) < \sigma(j)$ iff $v(\sigma(i))=v(\sigma(j))$ and $\sigma(i) > \sigma(j)$ iff $v(\sigma(i)) = v(\sigma(j)) - 1$.
Equivalently, these are the length 0 elements of the extended affine Weyl group for $GL(n)$; I have seen the set of these elements denoted by $\Omega$.
Here are the observations I've made, and some other known facts.
If $\sigma$ is the identity, then the allowed vectors have all entries equal. Conversely if $v$ has all entries equal, then the only allowed permutation is the identity.
If $n>2$ and $\sigma$ is the permutation $i\mapsto n+1-i$, then there are no allowed vectors.
The length 0 elements form a subgroup, where multiplication is given by $(v,\sigma)(v',\sigma)=(v+\sigma\cdot v', \sigma\sigma')$, where $(\sigma\cdot v)(i) = v(\sigma^{-1}(i))$.
I would be happy to have pointers to literature where such things might be discussed.