Let $E_n$ be the $n$-th Morava $E$-theory and let $K(n)$ denote the $n$-th Morava $K$-theory.
Question: If $M$ is a $K(n)$-local $E_n$-module, then are the homotopy groups $\pi_*(M)$ $L$-complete? (in the sense of Hovey-Strickland).
I looked at the results in Appendix $A$ of Hovey-Strickland, but I was not able to prove or disprove this statement. In particular using the fact that $K(n)$-localization is equivalent to taking limit over generalized Moore spectra, we get $$ \lim_I{}^1\pi_{*+1}(M\wedge S/I) \hookrightarrow \pi_*(M) \twoheadrightarrow \lim_I\pi_*(M\wedge S/I). $$ But, I am not sure why $\lim_I\pi_*(M\wedge S/I)$ and $\lim_I{}^1\pi_{*+1}(M\wedge S/I)$ are $L$-complete.
Any references or counter-examples are appreciated. Thank you.