This is basically a reference request. Does anyone know if the structure of the homotopy category of spectra (or maybe just the model, i.e. w/o the homotopy, category), localized at infinite wedges of Morava K-theories, or BP, is either well described somewhere or somehow stupid and uninteresting? This question is motivated by i) I believe Morava K-theories and the telescope spectra T(n) are the same BP-locally, i.e. a sort of telescope conjecture, and ii) wondering if localizing at BP or maybe the wedge of all the Morava K-theories would somehow pick out all the chromatic information in the category of spectra. That is (and I think my details will be off because I haven't thought about this in a little bit), there is some idea in the derived category of a Noetherian ring that we have these localization functors which correspond to prime ideals of the ring, and that maybe localizing at BP is somehow localizing the stable homotopy category at the $I_n$ ideals or something. Any commentary is appreciated.