Let $a,b$ be two vectors with strictly positive elements and $\delta = 1 - \frac{\langle a,b \rangle}{\|a\|\|b\|}$. Bound the following optimization problem as a function of $\delta$
$$\sup_{x>0} \frac{\langle a^2,x^2 \rangle}{\langle a,x \rangle^2} + \frac{\langle b^2,x^2 \rangle}{\langle b,x \rangle^2} - 2 \frac{\langle a \circ b,x^2 \rangle}{\langle a,x \rangle \langle b,x \rangle }$$
Here $a^2$ is the vector $a$ with all of its elements squared and $a\circ b$ is the element-wise product of $a$ and $b$.
If $\delta=0$, then the optimal value is 0. If $\delta \to 1$, then the optimal value is at most 2. Another way to express for the optimization problem is:
$$\sup_{x>0} \bigg\|\frac{a \circ x}{\langle a,x \rangle} - \frac{b \circ x}{\langle b,x \rangle} \bigg\|_2^2$$
Notice that $\frac{a \circ x}{\langle a,x \rangle}$ and $\frac{b \circ x}{\langle b,x \rangle}$ can be interpreted as two points on the probability simplex.