- Let $f(n)$ be an arbitrary function such that $f(n)\in\mathbb{Z}$.
- Let $$ F(x)=\sum\limits_{m\geqslant 0}f(m)x^m $$
- Define the operator $\operatorname{SR}$, which is associated with the series reversion.
- Let $a(n)$ be an integer sequence with generating function $A(x)$ where $$ A(x)=\frac{1}{x}\operatorname{SR}(xF(x)) $$
- Let $b(n)$ be an integer sequence with generating function $\frac{1}{G(0)}$ where $$ G(j)=F\left(\frac{x}{G(j+1)}\right) $$ Here we have $$ G(0)=F\left(\frac{x}{G(1)}\right)=F\left(\frac{x}{F\left(\frac{x}{G(2)}\right)}\right)=F\left(\frac{x}{F\left(\frac{x}{F\left(\frac{x}{G(3)}\right)}\right)}\right) $$ and so on.
I conjecture that $$a(n)=b(n).$$
Is there a way to prove it?