This is a partial answer for the case where $v\overset{\Delta}=G^{1/2}a \in\mathbb{R}^n_{+}\cup \mathbb{R}^n_{-}$.
Define $\mathcal{S}_G\overset{\Delta}=\left\{v\in\mathbb{R}^n\,:\,(v^\top G^{-1} v=1) \wedge (G\left|v\right|>0)\right\}$.
We can rephrase the question as follows.
Question. Is it true that if $v\in \mathcal{S}_G$, then $\left|v\right|^{\top} G \left|v\right|<1$?
Remark 1. For $n=1$, this is false. For $n=2$, the answer is yes: one can show that $|v|^{\top} G |v|\leq 1-\alpha^2$ whenever $v\in \mathcal{S}_G$, where $-1<\alpha<0$ is the off-diagonal of $G$.
For $n\geq 3$, we have the following.
Claim. If $v\in\left(\mathbb{R}^n_{+}\cup \mathbb{R}^n_{-}\right)\cap \mathcal{S}_G$, then $\left|v\right|^{\top} G \left|v\right|<1$.
Proof. Let $G=I-\overline{G}$. Remark that
$$\left|v\right|^{\top} G \left|v\right|=v^{\top}v-\left|v\right|^{\top}\overline{G}\left|v\right|.\,\,\,(\star)$$
Since $G\succ 0$ and $\overline{G}\geq 0$, then $-1 \prec \overline{G}\prec 1$ (the lemma below renders this step clearer) and we can write
$$G^{-1}=I+\sum_{i=1}^\infty \overline{G}^i,$$
which implies $v^\top G^{-1}v=v^{\top}v + v^{\top} \left(\sum_{i=1}^\infty \overline{G}^i\right) v$. Since $v^\top G^{-1}v=1$, we have
$$v^{\top}v = 1- v^{\top} \left(\sum_{i=1}^\infty \overline{G}^i\right) v.\,\,\,(\star\star)$$
In view of equations $(\star)$ and $(\star \star)$, we have
$$\left|v\right|^\top G \left|v\right|<1 \Longleftrightarrow \underbrace{\left|v\right|^\top \overline{G} \left|v\right|}_{>0}+v^{\top} \left(\underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^ \infty\overline{G}^i}_{\geq 0}\right) v>0.$$
Observe that $G\left|v\right|>0\Longrightarrow \left|v\right|>0$ and thus, $\left|v\right|^{\top} \overline{G} \left|v\right|>0$ necessarily.
Therefore, $\left|v\right|^{\top} G \left|v\right|<1$ holds when $v\in\left(\mathbb{R}^n_{+}\cup \mathbb{R}^n_{-}\right)\cap \mathcal{S}_G$. $\,\,\,\,\,\square$
Remark 2. It remains to prove/disprove the claim over the remaining cones/orthants (other than $\mathbb{R}^n_{+}$ or $\mathbb{R}^n_{-}$) in the case $n\geq 3$.
Lemma. We have $-1\prec \overline{G}\prec 1$.
Proof. That $\overline{G}\prec 1$ is clear. Assume that $\lambda_{\min}(\overline{G})\leq-1$. Then, there is $v\in \mathbb{R}^n$ with $\left\|v\right\|=1$ so that
$$v^{\top} \overline{G} v = \sum_{i\sim j} |v_i| |v_j| \overline{G}_{ij}-\sum_{i\nsim j} |v_i| |v_j| \overline{G}_{ij}\leq-1,$$
where $i\sim j$ means that $v_iv_j\geq 0$ and $i\nsim j$ means otherwise $v_iv_j< 0$. That is,
$$\sum_{i\nsim j} |v_i| |v_j| \overline{G}_{ij}\geq 1+\sum_{i\sim j} |v_i| |v_j| \overline{G}_{ij}\geq 1,$$
which implies that we can construct a vector $\widetilde{v}$ with $\|\widetilde{v}\|\leq 1$ so that $\widetilde{v}^{\top} \overline{G} \widetilde{v}\geq 1$, contradicting $\overline{G}\prec 1$.