What you can do is to reverse the question:
Given a norm $\|\cdot\|$ over $\mathbb R^n$, does there exist a norm $N$ over $\mathbb C^n$, whose restriction to $\mathbb R^n$ is $\|\cdot\|$, and such that for every $M\in{\bf M}_n(\mathbb R)$, the subordinated norms coincide :
$$N(M)=\|M\|\quad ?$$
Notice that we have obviously $N(M)\ge\|M\|$, a larger domain implying a larger upper bound. Thus only the reverse inequality is at stake.
This question was addressed in the Exercises 5 and 6, Chapter 7 of my book Matrices (Springer-Verlag GTM 216, 2nd edition). A solution is as follows.
Define $N$ by
$$\forall z\in\mathbb C^n,\quad N(z)=\inf\left\{\sum_\ell|\alpha_\ell|\|x^\ell\|;z=\sum_\ell\alpha_\ell x^\ell\right\},$$
where the decompositions obey to $\alpha_\ell\in\mathbb C$ and $x^\ell\in\mathbb R^n$. That $N\ge0$ is $\mathbb C$-homogeneous ($N(\mu z)=|\mu| N(z)$) and satisfies the triangle inequality are pretty obvious. If $z=u+iv$ with $u,v\in\mathbb R^n$, then any decomposition yields
$$u=\sum_\ell a_\ell x^\ell,\quad v=\sum_\ell b_\ell x^\ell$$
where $\alpha_\ell=a_\ell+ib_\ell$. We have
$$\|u\|\le\sum_\ell|a_\ell| \|x^\ell\|\le\sum_\ell|\alpha_\ell| \|x^\ell\|.$$
Taking the infimum over decompositions of $z$, this yields $\|u\|\le N(z)$. Likewise $\|v\|\le N(z)$. Thus $z\ne0$ implies $N(z)>0$. Thus $N$ is a norm over $\mathbb C^n$.
If $z\in\mathbb R^n$, then $u=z$ and (see above) $\|z\|\le N(z)$. Since the reverse inequality is obvious, we obtain that the restriction of $N$ to $\mathbb R^n$ is $\|\cdot\|$.
Given $z\in\mathbb C^n$, and $z=\sum_\ell\alpha_\ell x^\ell$ being a decomposition as above, we have the decomposition $Mz=\sum_\ell\alpha_\ell Mx^\ell$. Therefore
$$N(Mz)\le\sum_\ell|\alpha_\ell| \|Mx^\ell\|\le\|M\|\sum_\ell|\alpha_\ell| \|x^\ell\|.$$
Taking the infimum over all decompositions of $z$, we obtain $N(Mz)\le\|M\|N(z)$. Taking the supremum over $z$, this gives $N(M)\le\|M\|$, hence the equality.