The physicist Yoichiro Nambu introduced in a 1950 paper A Note on the Eigenvalue Problem in Crystal Statistics the notion of an "eigenoperator" (page 12, see Nambu and the Ising model for a recent discussion of this early work by the 2008 Nobel laureate).
Given a self-adjoint operator $H$, the eigenoperator $X$ satisfies $$HX-XH=\lambda X,\;\;\lambda\in\mathbb{R}.$$
Q: A Google search for "eigenoperator" does not return much, has this notion found its place in the mathematical literature, perhaps under a different name?
I append a screenshot of the relevant paragraph from Nambu's paper:
Footnote 6) refers to Nambu's paper On the Method of the Third Quantization, where $X$ is called an "eigenmatrix".