I originally posted this question on Physics SE, but I think it is more like a math question since I need rigorous justification.
Could anyone please provide any insight to the below question:
Let us work in a box $(t,\overrightarrow{x}) \in [0,1] \times [0,1]^3$. For any function on this box, we impose some Dirichlet boundary condition on the temporal direction and periodic boundary conditions on the spatial directions.
Let $i,j,k,l \in \{1,2,3\}$, which we use as spatial indices.
Now, think of some action functional \begin{equation} S[f_l,T_{ij}]=\int_0^1 dt \int_{[0,1]^3}d^3\overrightarrow{x}\mathcal{L}(f_l(\overrightarrow{x}, t),T_{ij}(\overrightarrow{x}, t),\frac{\partial f_l}{\partial t}, \partial_k f_l) \end{equation} subject to the constraints \begin{equation} T_{ij}-\frac{\partial_i f_j + \partial_j f_i}{2}=0. \end{equation}
(All field components are set to be real-valued and smooth.)
I am using the field-theoretic language now, so the Lagrange multipliers introduced to enforce these constraints must form some (symmetric) tensor field $\Psi_{ij}(\overrightarrow{x}, t)$, so that the modfied action is
\begin{equation} S_{mod}[f_l,T_{ij},\Psi_{ij}]=\int_0^1 dt \int_{[0,1]^3}d^3\overrightarrow{x}\Bigl[\mathcal{L}(f_l,T_{ij},\frac{\partial f_l}{\partial t}, \partial_k f_l)-\Psi_{ij} \cdot \Bigl(T_{ij}-\frac{\partial_i f_j + \partial_j f_i}{2}\Bigr)\Bigr]. \end{equation}
where the summation convention is used and the constraints are realized as the Euler-Lagrange equations of $S_{mod}$ with respect to $\Psi_{ij}$'s.
Now, my question is:
"Can we assume that $\Psi$ does NOT depend on time explicitly, that is, $\frac{\partial \Psi_{ij}}{\partial t}=0$?"
I think that since the constraint does NOT contain any time derivative, it is valid on each time slice. Thus, there is no impediment for assuming $\frac{\partial \Psi_{ij}}{\partial t}=0$.
However, I cannot give a more rigorous justification for this assumption...