Let $\ n\in\mathbb N.\ $ It's convenient to consider the injective metric
in $\ \mathbb R^n,\ $ it's Lipschitz equivalent to the Euclidean metrics.
By dimension, let's mean the topological dimension dim (say, covering -- for metric compact spaces, topological has only one standard meaning).
Theorem For every metric compact space $\ X,\ $ with a topologically agreeing metrics $\ d,\ $ such that $\ \dim(X)\ge n,\ $
there exists a Lipschitz surjection
$\ f:X\to[-1;1]^n.$
Proof Due to the dimension $\ \ge n\ $ there are
$\ (F_k:\ k=\pm1 \ldots \pm n)\,\ $ closed subsets of $\ X\ $ such that
$$ \forall_{k=1}^n\quad F_{-k}\cap F_k\ =\ \emptyset $$
$$ \bigcap_{k=1}^n\,S_k\ \ne\ \emptyset $$
for arbitrary closed separators S_k between $\ F_{-k}\ $ and $\ F_k,\ $
where $\ 1\le k\le n.$
Let $\ g_k:F_{-k}\cup F_k\to[-1;1]\ $ be defined by $\ g_k(x)=-1\ $
for every $\ x\in F_{-k},\ $ and $\ g_k(x)=1\ $ for every $\ x\in F_k,\ $
whenever $\ 1\le k\le n.\ $ These maps are obviously Lipschitz. Since $\ [-1;1]\ $ is metrically injective (is a metric AR), there are
Lipschitz maps $\ f_k:X\to [-1;1]\ $ that extend the respective
$\ g_k,\ $, hence
$$ f\ :=\ \triangle_{k=1}^n f_k:X\to[-1;1]^n $$
is a Lipschitz map.
Such continuous maps that start with the non-separable collections
$\ F_{\pm k}\ $ are well-known and easily seen to be surjective
(or even universal).
End of Proof