I am interested in the following set-up: Let $F \in \mathbb{Z}[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ be a fixed irreducible homogeneous polynomial of degree $d$ and consider the quantity $$N_{\delta}(B)=\#\{(x_1,\dots,x_n) \in \mathbb{Z}^n: \vert x_1\vert ,\dots,\vert x_n\vert \le B, \exists p \ge B^{\delta}: p^2 \mid F(x_1,\dots,x_n)\}$$ where $\delta$ is some (small) positive constant. Of course the trivial bound is $N_{\delta}(B) \ll B^n$ and my question is whether we can get a power saving $$N_{\delta}(B) \ll B^{n-c(\delta)}$$ as $B \to \infty$, for some positive constant $c(\delta)$, possibly depending on $F,n,d$ as well. Heuristically, the probability that a number is divisible by $p^2$ is $\frac{1}{p^2}$, so we would expect $\frac{B^n}{p^2}$ values divisible by $p^2$ so that we could hope for a bound of the type $$N_{\delta}(B) \ll \sum_{p \ge B^{\delta}} \frac{B^n}{p^2} \ll B^{n-\delta}.$$ But of course this is very far from being a rigorous argument...
(It definitely seems like a question that has to have appeared before, but unfortunately I could not locate any reference.)
Addendum (31.05.): If this seems to hard to answer, does anyone at least have an intuition
a) whether or not this ought to be true (or whether there is something obvious I am missing) and
b) if true, whether or not this ought to be in reach of existing technology?