As stated by Igor Belegradek in his comment above, the first thing to do is to search for an expert advice. However, an expert advice is sometimes hard to find, for example if you work in a big firm and you work on a research project involving strict confidentiality policies. Therefore a reference is useful, at least to see what kind of research have been done on the topic of interest: and, on the theory of traveling waves in for reaction diffusion equations, my advice is to have a look at the the monograph [1]. It is a really wonderful work as it details the theory and the history of the topic: written by chemical engineers highly skilled in mathematics, it is still a true reference, despite being written nearly 28 years ago.
[1] Aizik Isaakovich Vol’pert, Vitaly Aizikovich Vol’pert, Vladimir Aizikovich Vol’pert, Traveling wave solutions of parabolic systems, (English) Translations of Mathematical Monographs, 140. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. xii, 448 p. (1994), MR1297766, Zbl 1001.35060.