I want $S^k$, with $S=I-\Lambda^{-1}M$, to tend to zero quite fast as $k\rightarrow \infty$, as this is what drives the convergence in a fixed-point algorithm. Here $M=X^TX$ is a fixed $m\times m$ matrix, $I$ is the $m\times m$ identity matrix, $\Lambda$ is an $m\times m$ diagonal matrix, and $X$ is an $n \times m$ matrix so that $M=X^TX$ is $m\times m$, symmetric and positive semidefinite. I am trying to find a good $\Lambda$ that achieves this goal, yet one that is simple easy to compute.
I know the convergence speed is driven by the largest eigenvalue of $S$. That eigenvalue must be $<1$ in absolute value. Let $\lambda_i$ be the $i$-th element of $\Lambda$. If $\Lambda$ is chosen so that the resulting elements of $S$ are in some sense, close enough to zero - as "close" as they can be - then one would expect fast convergence, and it does work in practice. For $\lambda_i$, I chose the diagonal element of $M$ in the $i$-row, divided by the sum of the squares of the elements of $M$ in the $i$-th row. I am moderately happy with the results (at least for matrices up to $m=6$) but I am wondering if it is possible to get better $\lambda_i$'s, that on average will further boost convergence to zero. Also, I want to keep the $\lambda_i$'s as simple as possible. All elements in all the matrices are real numbers.
My question: Does my choice of $\Lambda$ always lead to $S^k\rightarrow 0$ ($k\rightarrow\infty$), and is there a better choice (yet as simple as possible) that will make convergence faster?