I am interested in the asymptotics of the integral $$I(a):=\int_0^\infty \sqrt{x}\operatorname{Erfc}(x+a)\,\mathrm{d}x$$ for $a>0$. I think that $I(a)$ should be decaying exponentially as $I(a)\lesssim e^{-a^2}$ for large $a$. Numeric integration indicates that $$ \lim_{a\to\infty} I(a) e^{a^2} a^{5/2} =C \in(0,1)$$ for some constant $C$.
Are there integral tables where I could obtain explicit expressions for $I(a)$ for finite $a$? If not, are the asymptotics above correct, and what is $C$?
So far I could only find results when the error function is integrated against integer powers of $x$ e.g. in Section 2.14 of https://intra.ece.ucr.edu/~korotkov/papers/Korotkov-book-integrals.pdf