Let $(X,d)$ be a finite metric space. Clearly, $(X,d)$ is a doubling metric space but is there a 'best' estimate of $(X,d)$'s doubling constant?
Probability based on its cardinality, diameter, and minimum separation $\min_{x,y\in X\,x\neq y}\,d(x,y)$?
I'll recall some definitions to try and make the question self-contained.
Doubling constant
The doubling constant of $(X,d)$ is the smallest $k>0$ such that, for every radius $r>0$ and each $x\in X$ there are at-most $k$ balls in $(X,d)$ of radius $r/2$ covering $\operatorname{Ball}(X,r)$
Doubling metric space: $(X,d)$ is doubling if it admits a finite doubling constant.