For purposes of $G$-equivariant rational homotopy theory one wants a Quillen adjunction which generalizes the classical one of Bousfield-Gugenheim from plain dg-algebras/simplicial-sets to (co-)presheaves of such over the $G$-orbit category. This has been produced in:
- Laura Scull, A model category structure for equivariant algebraic models, Trans. AMS 360 5 (2008) 2505-2525 (doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-07-04421-2),
where the expected RHT equivalence on homotopy categories is proven for equivariantly simply-connected spaces/algebras.
To get around restrictions on equivariant $\pi_1$, I am wondering whether this model structure might transfer from the plain orbit category to tom Dieck's "fundamental category" $\Pi_G(X)$ of a given $G$-space $X$: This is the category fibered over the $G$-orbit category, $\Pi_G(X) \xrightarrow{p} G \mathrm{Orbt}^{\mathrm{op}}$, with fiber over $G/H$ being the fundamental groupoid of the fixed subspace $X^H$.
Here I mean "transfer" both colloquially as well as technically: Generally I'd be interested in a model structure on dg-algebra valued functors on $\Pi_G(X)$ which is analogous to Scull's model structure for such functors on $G \mathrm{Orbt}$. But more concretely I am wondering if the latter left-transfers, in the technical sense, along $p_!$.
I am aware of the usual sufficient conditions to be checked, but it seems fiddly and I feel like lacking a good strategy to approach this. Some vague thoughts:
I notice that Scull shows (around Cor. 3.12) much, though not all, of what it would take for her model structure to be cofibrantly generated, which might help.
Also, it is probably noteworthy that $\Pi_G(X)$ is still an EI-category, which seems to be the main property of $G\mathrm{Orbt}$ that Scull's proofs rely on (incidentally, is there a more transparent proof of her Prop. 2.5, quoted from Prop. 3.4 in Triantafillou 1982?). This is reminiscent of Golasiński 1997, who discusses minimal systems of dg-algebra models in the generality over EI-categories.