Let $X$ be a smooth project curve of genus $g$ over the finite field with $q$ elements. Let $h$ be $\# \mathrm{Pic}^0(X)(\mathbb{F}_q)$. Weil showed that $h \geq (\sqrt{q}-1)^{2g}$. Lachaud and Martin-Descamps established the bound $h \geq \tfrac{q^g}{g+1} \tfrac{(q-1)^2}{q(q+1)} \approx \tfrac{q^g}{g}$, which is better for $q$ fixed and $g \to \infty$.
I was playing around with the estimates I was using in a recent question about finding function fields with class number $1$, and I seem to have come up with an argument that proves a bound of the form $h \geq c \tfrac{q^g}{\log g}$, for a small positive constant $c$.
I am trying to figure out if this is interesting. Of course, I'm doing a literature search, but I don't know this area, so maybe someone can tell me. What are the best current bounds in this area, and how does mine compare? Or, I suppose, does someone know a counterexample showing that $\tfrac{q^g}{\log g}$ is too good to be true?