I've previously asked this question on stack exchange.
I'm looking for a proof of the inequality
$$ \left[ \frac12(\left\|A+B\right\|_p^p + \left\|A-B\right\|_p^p)\right]^{2/p} \leq \left\|A\right\|_p^2 +C_p \left\|B\right\|_p^2 $$
where A and B are complex matrices of the same size, $\left\| .\right\|_p$ refers to the Schatten p-norm, p$\geq 2$, and $C_p=p-1$.
I have a reference for the opposite inequality when $1\leq p \leq 2$ but no mention of the one above. Are the two somehow equivalent? Am I missing an easy argument to follow one out of the other?