Let $(M^n,g)$ be a closed $n$ dimensional Riemannian manifold with $\mathrm{Ric}_g\ge -K$, $(K\ge 0)$. Weyl's law(along with Karamata Tauberian Theorem) asserts that the eigenvalue $\lambda_i$ of $-\Delta$ has the following asymptotic behavior $$ \lambda_i \sim c_n\left(\frac{i}{\mathrm{Vol}_g(M^n)}\right)^{2/n}\quad (i\to \infty) $$ Is there a finer version of Weyl's law so that for $i$ large enough, the following uniform bound is true? $$ \left|\lambda_i-c_n\left(\frac{i}{\mathrm{Vol}_g(M^n)}\right)^{2/n}\right|\le C(K,n,D,\mathrm{Vol}_g(M^n)) $$ Here $C(K,n,D, \mathrm{Vol}_g(M^n))$ is a constant depending on the Ricci lower bound $-K$, dimension $n$, diameter $D$ of $M^n$ and the volume $\mathrm{Vol}_g(M^n))$, the point is that it does not depend on $i$. If the conditions given at the beginning are not sufficient, what are the other conditions one can put on $M^n$ for the uniform estimates to hold (or any example to show it never holds)?
Thanks in advance.