I've asked this on math.stackexchange, unsuccessfully. I hope this question is appropriate for mathoverflow.
Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional vector space over a field $K$ with $\operatorname{char}K\neq 2$, and $Q$ a non-degenerate quadratic form on $V$. The spinor norm is a homomophism
$$sn: O(V,Q) \rightarrow K^*/(K^*)^2$$
defined as $Q(v)$ for reflections by a non-isotropic vector $v$.
Alternatively, for $g \in O(V,Q)$ let $a \in \Gamma(V,Q)$ be the element of the Clifford group that realizes $g$ via an inner graded automorphism. Then, $sn(g)$ is defined as $N(a)=a^t a$, which is a scalar if $a$ comes from the Clifford group.
I am interested in explicitly computing $sn(g)$ for a given $g\in O(V,Q)$. I know a bit in some special cases:
- For the Euclidean space and the corresponding $O(n,\mathbb R)$ group the spinor norm is trivial $sn(g)=1$, since the group is generated by reflections by vectors of unit norm
- For an algebraically-closed field $K$, the spinor norm is always trivial since $K^*/(K^*)^2$ is trivial
- For a metabolic space $V = W \oplus W^*$ with the form $Q(w,f) = f(w)$, any $g \in \operatorname{GL}(W)$ gives rise to an orthogonal transformation on $V$ by the formula $g \cdot (w,f) = \left(gw, \left(g^{-1}\right)^*f\right)$. The spinor norm of this transformation is equal to $\det g$ (this is half-anecdotal: I've heard it in a Russian video lecture on Clifford algebras, presented without complete proof).
- In particular, for any quadratic space that has a metabolic subspace as a direct (orthogonal) summand, the spinor norm is surjective.
- Clearly, the spinor norm of $\Omega(V,Q)$ (the commutator subgroup of $O(V,Q)$) is trivial, since $K^*/(K^*)^2$ is abelian. This article states that $\Omega$ is precisely the kernel of the spinor norm, providing an injective morphism $O/\Omega \rightarrow K^*/(K^*)^2$, though I don't see how it helps in actually computing the spinor norm of a given orthogonal transformation.
- I've done some calculations with the real hyperbolic plane with orthogonal basis $\{e_1, e_2\}$ such that $Q(e_1)=1$ and $Q(e_2)=-1$ by explicitly computing the elements of the Clifford group that represent certain orthogonal transformations. It seems that the spinor norm of a matrix $A$ (which is $\pm 1$ in the real case) in this basis coincides with the sign of $A_{2,2}$.
- Having in mind the connected components of an indefinite real orthogonal group $O(p,q)$ and using that the spinor norm is a continuous map to a discrete space $\{\pm 1\}$, it has to be constant on connected components, thus it is enough to compute it for a single representative from each component. This gives a generalization of the previous result, namely the spinor norm is $+1$ iff the transformation preserves orientation of the negative-definite subspace, and the spinor norm equals the determinant of the lower-right $q\times q$ submatrix (in a basis where positive-definite vectors come before negative-definite ones). This is basically my own findings, and I would appreciate a reference that supports/disproves this claim.
In general, it feels that there should be some explicit (maybe polynomial?) formula $O(V,Q) \rightarrow K^*$ implementing the spinor norm, but I failed to find any references on this. In any way, I am happy with any explicit way of computing the spinor norm of an orthogonal matrix for a general quadratic form, or otherwise an explanation of why this isn't that straightforward or even possible.