In the lecture Notions of Scalar Curvature - IAS around 8:00, Gromov states the following result, which he claims he does "slightly uncarefully":
Suppose $(X,g_X)$ and $(Y,g_Y)$ are Riemannian manifolds, their sectional curvature satisfy $\sec(Y,g_Y)\leq \kappa\leq \sec(X,g_X)$ for some $\kappa\in\mathbb{R}$, and $X_0$ is a subset of $X$. If $f_0:X_0\to Y$ is a map with Lipschitz constant $1$, then there exists a map $f:X\to Y$ with Lipschitz constant $1$ that extends $f_0$, i.e. $f|_{X_0}=f_0$.
He mentions a few names before stating the result, but I cannot make out who they are.
He then discusses how this can be used to motivate a definition of "curvature" in the category of metric spaces with distance non-increasing maps, "except, of course, for normalization."
Does anyone know where I can read more about this? (Either in the setting of metric spaces or in the smooth setting of Riemannian manifolds.)