Surprisingly, the conjecture is false. Orthant probabilities are not always ordered by the vector norm $\lVert v_1 \rVert$.
For a counterexample, take the 4-dimensional normal distribution with the following covariance matrix:
75.990348312987877 -14.891382893378880 9.019694111954474 8.518647696984502
-14.891382893378880 21.973634189398940 31.423796140503811 -5.365552691385230
9.019694111954474 31.423796140503811 63.319136031398756 -5.748592963390807
8.518647696984502 -5.365552691385230 -5.748592963390807 2.716881466214341
The two distinct eigenvalues are $\lambda_1 = 81$ and $\lambda_2 = 1$, each one twice. (It is not a coincidence that they are integers: I created the example by stretching a standard normal distribution $9$-fold in two directions, and rotating randomly. If you re-calculate the eigenvalues from the matrix listed above, they match to more than 12 decimal places.)
Looking into the orthants (only showing first half due to symmetry):
orthant 0: ++++ |v1|=1.604343 p=0.081526 p_MC=0.081561
orthant 1: +++- |v1|=1.644290 p=0.103843 p_MC=0.103680
orthant 2: ++-+ |v1|=0.916062 p=0.003139 p_MC=0.003152
orthant 3: ++-- |v1|=0.627763 p=0.002054 p_MC=0.002070
orthant 4: +-++ |v1|=1.419708 p=0.068214 p_MC=0.068349 !!!
orthant 5: +-+- |v1|=1.268382 p=0.017151 p_MC=0.017054
orthant 6: +--+ |v1|=1.850191 p=0.198087 p_MC=0.198265
orthant 7: +--- |v1|=1.562552 p=0.025999 p_MC=0.025957 !!!
Comparing orthants 4 and 7, we observe the latter has greater $\lVert v_1 \rVert$, but clearly smaller probability. I calculated the probabilities with two methods: p
is from MATLAB mvncdf
which claims absolute error tolerance $10^{-4}$, and p_MC
is from Monte-Carlo integration with $10^7$ points. The probabilities differ already in the second decimal, so I'm pretty confident that it is not just an artefact of numerical calculation.
More counterexamples can be generated by making random instances and checking the orthant probabilities: the conjecture fails every now and then, although it holds in most of the cases. Interestingly, in 3 dimensions I have not found any counterexample in thousands of random instances (either in the prolate case = large eigenvalue is single and small eigenvalue is double, or in the oblate case = large is double and small is single).
Here is an attempt to visualize the 4-dimensional distribution (if anyone has better suggestions, I'd like to hear). We are showing $100\,000$ random points from the distribution; points in the 4th orthant +-++
are shown red, points in the 7th orthant +---
are shown blue, and all other points cyan. Perhaps one can see that the red points are more than twice as many as the blue points.
Each subplot shows a 2D projection to two coordinate axes, in the same scale: each box ranges from $-20$ to $+20$ in both directions. Note that the two contending orthants are in the same quadrant of $X_1,X_2$, and in opposite quadrants of $X_3,X_4$.
For convenience, here is Matlab code to reproduce and verify this particular instance. You can adapt it to search for other counterexamples in four or other dimensions.
Sigma = [
75.990348312987877 -14.891382893378880 9.019694111954474 8.518647696984502
-14.891382893378880 21.973634189398940 31.423796140503811 -5.365552691385230
9.019694111954474 31.423796140503811 63.319136031398756 -5.748592963390807
8.518647696984502 -5.365552691385230 -5.748592963390807 2.716881466214341
dim = size(Sigma,1);
[V,D] = eigs(Sigma);
Dval = diag(D);
% Find the big and small eigenvalues
Ibig = abs(Dval - max(Dval)) < 1e-3;
Ismall = abs(Dval - min(Dval)) < 1e-3;
fprintf('Big eigenvalues:\n');
fprintf('Small eigenvalues:\n');
% Generate random points from the distribution
NN = 1e7;
R = chol(Sigma);
X = R' * randn(dim,NN);
V1MAG = [];
P = [];
for i=0:2^(dim-1)-1
neg = bitget(i, dim:-1:1)';
e = ones(dim,1) - 2*neg;
signvec = repmat('+',1,dim);
signvec(e<0) = '-';
% Orthant probability from Matlab
Sigmaflip = e .* Sigma .* e';
p = mvncdf(zeros(dim,1), zeros(dim,1), Sigmaflip);
P = [P p];
% Monte Carlo orthant probability
pmc = mean(all(X .* e > 0, 1));
% Projections of e onto each eigenvector (column of V)
edots = e' * V;
v1mag = sqrt(sum(edots(Ibig).^2));
v2mag = sqrt(sum(edots(Ismall).^2));
V1MAG = [V1MAG v1mag];
fprintf('orthant %2d: %s |v1|=%.6f p=%.6f p_MC=%.6f\n', ...
i, signvec, v1mag, p, pmc);
% Check the order
[~,S] = sort(V1MAG);
pprev = -inf;
fprintf('\nOrthants sorted by |v1|:\n');
for i=1:2^(dim-1)
fprintf('orthant %2d : |v1|=%.6f p=%.6f', ...
S(i)-1, V1MAG(S(i)), P(S(i)));
if P(S(i)) < pprev - 0.01
fprintf(' TROUBLE!');
pprev = P(S(i));