Let $V=k^n$ for an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic 0, and let $W \subseteq V$ a subspace. Let $G_W\subseteq GL(V)$ be the set of invertible linear maps that preserve $W$, i.e. $$ G_W=\{x \in GL(V): x(W)=W\}, $$ and let $$ \mathfrak{g}_W=\{X \in \mathfrak{gl}(V) : X(W) \subseteq W\}, $$ where $\mathfrak{gl}(V)$ is the Lie algebra of $GL(V)$, identified with the set of linear maps on $V$ under the commutator bracket. It is known (see e.g. Humphrey's Linear Algebraic Groups section 13.8) that $\mathfrak{g}_W$ is the Lie algebra of $G_W$.
My question is: If $Y \subseteq V$ is an arbitrary irreducible affine variety, what is the Lie algebra of its preserver $G_Y$? I have a guess that would be consistent with the above result:
Guess: Suppose $Y \subseteq V$ is a homogeneous irreducible affine variety (i.e. $Y$ is a cone: $v \in Y \iff \alpha v \in Y$ for all $\alpha \in k$). Let
$$ \mathfrak{g}_Y=\{X \in \mathfrak{gl}(V) : X(\mathscr{L}(Y)) \subseteq \mathscr{L}(Y)\}, $$ where $\mathscr{L}(Y) \subseteq V$ is the tangent space to $Y$ at $0$, i.e., if $Y=V(f_1,\dots, f_m)$, then $\mathscr{L}(Y)=V(d_0f_1,\dots, d_0 f_m)$, where $d_0 f (x)= \sum_{j=1}^n \frac{\delta f}{\delta x_i} (0) x_i$. Then $\mathfrak{g}_Y$ is the Lie algebra of $G_Y$.
Is this guess correct? If so, I would appreciate a proof or a reference to a proof.
A quick proof of the above result for when $Y=W$ is a subspace is provided by ShinyaSakai in the comments to this question
EDIT @abx quickly disproved my guess, so my new question is simply: What is the Lie algebra of $G_Y$? I would appreciate any relevant references in this vein.