Let $G$ be a (discrete) torsion free group with identity $e$. Recall that for an element $\alpha=\sum a_gg$ in $\mathbb C[G]$ (complex functions on $G$ with compact support), $\alpha^*$ is defined to be $\sum\overline{a_g}g^{-1}$ and for $\beta=\sum b_gg\in\mathbb C[G]$, we have the (convolution) product $\alpha\beta:=\sum a_gb_hgh$.
We call a selfadjoint elemet $\alpha\in\mathbb C[G]$ (i.e. $\alpha=\alpha^*$) golden if $a_e\in\mathbb R$ and $a_e-\sum_{g\neq e}|a_g|\geq0$. For $\beta\in\mathbb C[G]$, if $\beta^*\beta$ (or some of it's powers, $(\beta^*\beta)^n,(\beta^*\beta)^\frac 1n$, $n\in\mathbb N$) is golden?