In the framework of classical motives, there is no such thing as a motive $\mathbb Q(-\tfrac 12)$, i.e. a tensor root of $\mathbb Q(-1)$. There is one, however, in a more general setting of "exponential motives", over any number field containing $\sqrt{-1}$. There is even a motive $M$ over $\mathbb Q$ whose tensor square is $\mathbb Q(-1) \otimes H$, where $H$ is the Artin motive of the quadratic character associated with $\mathbb Q(i)|\mathbb Q$. These exponential motive have attached $L$-functions to them, and my question is about the $L$-function of $M$. Here it is, first as an Euler product: $$L(s) = \prod_p\frac{1}{1-g_pp^{-s}}$$ with $$g_p = \begin{cases} 0 & \mbox{if $p = 2$}\\ \sqrt p & \mbox{if $p\equiv 1 \bmod 4$}\\ i\sqrt p & \mbox{if $p\equiv 3 \bmod 4$.} \end{cases}$$ These $g_p$ arise as Gauss sums. The Euler product converges absolutely for $\Re(s)>\tfrac 32$. Here is the same $L$-function written as a Dirichlet series: $$L(s) = \sum_{n\geq 1 \:\mathrm{odd}}\frac{i^{r(n)}}{n^{s-1/2}}$$ where $r(n)$ stands for $$r(n) = \sum_{p \equiv 3 \:(4)}v_p(n),$$ the number of prime divisors $p\equiv 3\:(4)$ of $n$. The first question to ask about $L(s)$ is whether it has a singularity at $s=\tfrac32$ (it probably does), and if so, what kind. So I tried to figure out how much "cancellation" there is in the not-absolutely-converging series $$\sum_{n\geq 1 \:\mathrm{odd}}\frac{i^{r(n)}}{n}$$ We need to understand the class of $r(n)$ modulo $4$. So, for $r = 0,1,2,3$ and $x>0$, define the following sets of odd integers: $$A(r,x) = \{n <\:\mathrm{odd}\:|\:\: r(n)\equiv r \bmod 4\}$$ If for large $x$ these four sets have about the same cardinality, the sum might converge. I have no doubt that for $r=0,1,2,3$, the limit $$A(r) := \lim_{x\to \infty}\frac {2 \#A(r,x)}x$$ exists, and because of the parity of $r(n)$ depending only on $n \bmod 4$ we have $A(0)+A(2)=\tfrac 12$ and $A(1)+A(3)=\tfrac 12$. Now (lack any better ideas) I have done a count by computer, and to my amazement it seems that $A(0)$ is not $\tfrac 14$. Specifically, I counted the number of odd integers $n$ between $N$ and $N+10^8$ for which $r(n)$ is congruent to $0, 1, 2, 3$. The numerical calculation suggests the following approximate values $$\begin{array}{l|llll} & 4A(0) & 4A(1) & 4A(2) & 4A(3) \\ \hline N=10^9 & 0.8201 & 1.3632 & 1.1799 & 0.6368\\ N=10^{10} & 0.8114 & 1.3375 & 1.1886 & 0.6625\\ N=10^{11} & 0.8048 & 1.3143 & 1.1952 & 0.6857\\ N=10^{12} & 0.8000 & 1.2937 & 1.2000 & 0.7063 \end{array}$$ Equidistribution would mean that all entries in the table are close to $1$. My question can now be formulated most eloquently as:
What the heck is going on here?
Why are there fewer odd integres with $r(n)\equiv 0\bmod 4$ than there are with $r(n)\equiv 2\bmod 4$? And why does the situation get worse for large integers, when intuitively the contrary should happen?