I have the following problem. I have a function $v(x, \theta)$ that can be expressed in two ways, for all $x, \theta \in \Re$:
$v(x, \theta) = u(x - \theta)$, where $u$ is strictly concave and symmetric about $0$, and
$v(x, \theta) = g_1 (x) f_1 (\theta) + g_2(x) f_2 (\theta) + f_3 (\theta)$
It is clear that $v(x, \theta) = - (x - \theta)^2$ is a solution, as I can set $g_1 = - x^2$, $g_2 = 2x$, $f_1 = 1$, $f_2 = \theta$, and $f_3 = - \theta^2$. Similarly, it is easy to check that $v(x, \theta) = - k_1 (x - \theta)^2 + k_2$ is a solution for all $k_1 > 0$ and $k_2 \in \Re$.
I have a heuristic argument that these are the only solutions, but I have been unable to prove it, or find a reference that would provide an answer.
So the question is to find all functions $v(x, \theta)$ that satisfy (1) and (2).
(I am happy to impose sufficient smoothness on $v(x, \theta)$ if that helps find answers, and I am also willing to assume $f_1$ and $f_2$ are monotonic).
Any guidance would be appreciated!