Let $P$ be a convex polygon (or any convex body in $\mathbb{R}^2$) with perimeter of length $1$. Call a chord $c$ of $P$ perimeter-halving if half the perimeter lies to one side of $c$ (and so half to the other side). Here are three convex polygons with many perimeter-halving chords drawn:
(Perimeter-halvings play a role in folding convex polygons to convex polyhedra.)
Define the perimeter-halving center for $P$ to be a point $x$ that minimizes the maximum distance $\delta$ of any perimeter-halving chord to $x$. So the perimeter-halving chords all nearly pass through $x$.
Q1. Does the perimeter-halving center of $P$ coincide with the centroid of $P$? Or is it located at some other natural center?
Center of gravity (cg) marked. $\delta = 0.035$ (from the cg).
Q2. Which shapes achieve the extremes of $\delta$?
Clearly any centrally symmetric shape achieves $\delta=0$. Does any other shape realize $\delta=0$? Which shapes have the worst (largest) $\delta$?
And just out of curiosity, I would be interested to learn what are the elegant spirograph/astroid-like envelope curves visible in the figures.
Added. David Eppstein's center for an equilateral triangle, as detailed by Wolfgang.
Perimeter-halving center (red); $\delta= \sqrt{3}/72$.