Call a sequence $(a_n)$ of positive integers easily computable if there is a constant $C$ and an algorithm which computes $a_n$ from $n$, $a_1, \dots, a_{n-1}$ and a finite number of integer constants in at most $C$ steps, i.e. additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions / computations of remainders and making choices among finite numbers of cases.
Further call an easily computable sequence $(a_n)$ reducible if there is an easily computable sequence $(b_n)$ such that $\forall n \in \mathbb{N} \ \ b_n | a_n$ and such that at most finitely many $b_n$ are equal to $1$ or to $a_n$, and irreducible otherwise.
Question: Does there exist an irreducible easily computable sequence which contains only composite numbers? And if yes, does there exist such sequence which does not grow faster than exponentially? If the answer is still yes, does there exist such sequence which does not grow faster than polynomially?
Remarks: I strongly guess that the answer to the first question is yes -- though I'd be interested to see an explicit example, with a proof that it is indeed an example. As to the second and third question, things seem less clear -- though a negative answer would be a pretty strong result.
Examples: Easily computable sequences in our sense are e.g. $a_n := n^2+1$ (with $C = 2$), the Fibonacci sequence (with $C = 1$), $a_1 := 2, a_{n+1} := 2a_n$ (powers of two, with $C = 1$), $a_1 := 3, a_{n+1} := (a_n-1)^2+1$ (Fermat numbers, with $C = 3$), and $a_1 = a_2 = 1$, $a_n := a_{n-a_{n-1}} + a_{n-a_{n-2}}$ for $n \geq 3$ (Hofstadter's Q-sequence; $C = 5$), as well as Collatz-type sequences ($C = 5$). Reducible such sequences are e.g. $a_n := n^2-1$ (put $b_n := n-1$), $a_n := n^2+n+2$ (put $b_n := 2$), $a_n := 78557 \cdot 2^n + 1$ (put $b_n := 3$ if $n \equiv 0(2)$, $b_n := 5$ if $n \equiv 1(4)$, $b_n := 7$ if $n \equiv 7(12)$, $b_n := 13$ if $n \equiv 11(12)$, $b_n := 19$ if $n \equiv 15(36)$, $b_n := 37$ if $n \equiv 27(36)$ and $b_n := 73$ if $n \equiv 3(36)$). Irreducible ones are e.g. $a_n := n$ and $a_n := 4n+1$.