There is no such ('Weyl') sequence, even satisfying just 1 and 3 (before your edit, i.e. with $b=ia$). In fact, replies to your previous question (assumed accepted...) show that $H_a$ has spectrum $\mathbf R$. So $ia$ is not in it, i.e. $H_a-ia$ has bounded inverse. So 3 implies
which contradicts 1.
Later. After your edit: existence of such $w_n$ is precisely Weyl's criterion that $b\in\sigma_{\mathrm{ess}}(H_a)=\mathbf R$. So you might just use its known proof. (Sketch: for $b$ in the spectrum, $H_a-b$ has unbounded inverse. So there are $v_n$ such that $\|v_n\|=1$ and $\|(H_a-b)^{-1}v_n\|\to\infty$. Then one checks that
does the trick.)