It is not hard to find proofs showing that $\mathbb{Q}$ is not complete with respect to the metric induced by the valuation $|\;\;|_p$. For example, it is enough to recall that every complete metric space is Baire and to show that $(\mathbb{Q},|\;\;|_p)$ is not Baire. Another option is to show that $\mathbb{Q}_p$ is uncountable, so $(\mathbb{Q},|\;\;|_p)$ is different than its completion. Both arguments use the fact that $\mathbb{Q}$ is countable.
But when I try to justify that $k(x)$ is not complete in the metric induced by the $x$-adic valuation $|\;\;|_x$, I don't find ideas or references addressing the proof. How can I proof the incompleteness of $(k(x), |\;\;|_x)$ without invoking its completion field $k((x))$? Any reference?